
 The Average Rice Purity Test Score Revealed!: The Surprising Truth (2023)

You took the rice purity test and scored low? and want to find out what the average score is nowadays, well I was stuck in the same situation and came across this research that tells all about it.

The average rice purity test score is 63.89, and the significance lies in understanding where one falls on the spectrum of innocence. But how exactly are these scores determined? To find out what your score means read this article about the test score.

Take the rice purity test

You can take the latest rice purity test here.

Understanding the Rice Purity Test

The origin and history of the Rice Purity Test date back to the early 20th century(1924)

 when it was first developed by a group of students at Rice University. It gained popularity over time and eventually evolved into its current form.

The Rice Purity Test / Innocent is a fairly straightforward self-graded survey, Consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions, it covers a wide range of topics that reflect various aspects of life(relationships, sex, drugs) experiences. Each question is assigned a score ranging from 0 (indicating high impurity/ least pure) to 100 (representing utmost purity).

It contains questions that are relatable to everyone(especially college students) and act as a way of guidance and Self-reflection.

Interpretation of Average Rice Purity Test Scores

What does a high average score on the Rice Purity Test indicate? It may suggest that individuals who took the test have had limited exposure to risky or adventurous experiences. On the other hand, a low average score on the Rice Purity Test could mean that respondents have been exposed to a wide array of experiences.

Several factors can influence an individual’s average test score in the Rice Purity Test.

  • Culture
  • upbringing
  • personal preferences
  • individual priorities
  • social pressure
  • age and life stage

What does the rice purity score mean?

The rice purity test quiz average score according to the percentage is listed in the table below

Rice Purity ScoreMeaning% of Boys% of Girls
You’re maybe the most innocent person on this planet0.75%0.82%
99-95You are so pure. It seems that you’re quite new to the world.8.32%9.79%
94-90You are pure. Just like most people who take this test.9.19%9.52%
89-70You have probably checked off some moderately crazy things26.37%28.94%
69-50You are a bad girl / bad boy. You enjoy all the adult stuff.25.74%26.72%
49-20You are not pure and below the average. You are addicted to the adult stuff18.58%15.61%
19-10You are evil and far behind the average. You may already committed a crime.4.79%3.19%
9-1You are so evil that nobody around you could score lower than you.5.71%4.89%
0Nobody on this planet could be more corrupted than you are0.55%0.52%
Meaning Of rice purity test score

Average Rice Purity Score by Continent?

ContinentAvg. Score
South America58
Oceania *62
North America62

Average Rice Purity Score by Continent?
  • Source: Google Analytics
  • Sample Size: 45,000 visitors
  • * The average score is calculated over a period of one month stay

Average Score on the Rice Purity Test By Country in 2023

Country% of VisitorsAvg. Score
🇦🇷 Argentina0.61%57.4
🇫🇷 France0.67%57.9
🇿🇦 South Africa0.57%59.2
🇪🇸 Spain0.60%59.3
🇷🇺 Russia0.61%59.2
🇲🇽 Mexico0.74%60.1
🇨🇦 Canada3.20%61.0
🇧🇷 Brazil0.95%63.2
🇳🇿 New Zealand0.74%63.3
🇳🇱 Netherlands0.43%63.7
🇺🇸 United States54.21%63.9
🇦🇺 Australia2.26%64.3
🇮🇹 Italy1.76%65.4
🇮🇪 Ireland1.82%65.6
🇬🇧 United Kingdom18.69%65.7
🇮🇱 Israel0.40%65.9
🇩🇪 Germany0.94%66.3
🇯🇵 Japan0.56%66.6
Average Score on the Rice Purity Test By Country
  • Source: Google Analytics
  • Sample Size: 45,000 visitors

Average Score by Age?

The average score by age is shown in the table below

GroupAvg. Score
18 ~ 24 F89.24
18 ~ 24 M87.36
25 ~ 34 F79.68
25 ~ 34 M74.05
35 ~ 44 F71.11
35 ~ 44 M71.03
45 ~ 54 F67.19
45 ~ 54 M62.83
55 ~ 64 F66.22
55 ~ 64 M61.12
65+ F65.39
65+ M58.33

Rice Purity Score by Age/Gender
  • Source: Google Analytics
  • Sample Size: 45,000 visitors

Average Rice Purity By Gender

Average boy’s rice purity test score

Average boys rice purity test score
Average boy’s rice purity test score

Average girl’s rice purity test score

Average girls rice purity test score
Average girl’s rice purity test score

Myths and Misconceptions about the Rice Purity Test

Misconceptions and rumors tend to spread like wildfire, especially when it comes to the Rice Purity Test. It’s crucial not to get caught up in the idea that the score defines our ‘purity’ or value as individuals. Our actions and choices make us who we are, not an arbitrary number on a test.

It’s easy for society to shame those with low scores and shame them for their supposed impurities. Similarly, there can be judgment leveled at those who have higher scores, assuming they lack excitement in their lives. But we must remember that everyone has their own unique journey and priorities.


In conclusion, this article has explored the key points surrounding average scores in the Rice Purity Test. We have discussed how these scores can be a useful tool for self-reflection and comparison with peers.

While average scores may not provide a comprehensive picture of an individual’s experiences, they can serve as a starting point for discussions about personal values and boundaries.

It is important to remember that the significance of average scores lies in their ability to spark conversations and promote self-awareness rather than determining one’s worth or character. So, I encourage you, dear readers, to take the test yourself and engage in meaningful reflections on your own experiences and values

Frequently asked questions

The Rice Purity Test is a questionnaire used to assess an individual’s level of sexual experience or innocence. Higher scores indicate less sexual activity, while lower scores suggest more diverse experiences.

The countries in the Middle East have the highest average scores with an average range above 80 percentile.

Generally, younger individuals tend to have higher scores due to limited sexual experiences. As people grow older, their scores may decrease since they gain more exposure and engage in various activities.

Gender does not inherently affect scoring on the test, as it primarily reflects personal experiences rather than gender-specific factors.

The Western and European nations tend to have the lowest scores while the Middle Eastern nations tend to have the highest scores in general.

One myth suggests that a high score equates to being prudish or inexperienced, which is not necessarily true. Another misconception claims that low scores reflect promiscuity or immorality, which also lacks accuracy.

A common misconception is using these scores as a definitive measure of character or judging someone solely based on their score without considering personal circumstances or growth over time.

Religious beliefs can influence an individual’s choices and behaviors related to sexuality and thus potentially impact their test score; however, it ultimately depends on the person’s interpretation and adherence to those beliefs.

Rao Ali Umair

About the Author – Rao Ali Umair:

Meet Rao Ali Umair, the driving force behind Ranklytical. With a passion for product rankings and expert insights, he provides you with trusted recommendations to make confident choices through his blogs. Explore his articles for valuable insights that enhance your lifestyle and decisions. Welcome to Ranklytical, where informed choices lead to better living.

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